The Financial and
emotional gang rape of Clara G. Fernandez
Clara revoked Raul, her youngest son's
Power of Attorney on October 29th of
2004, after him financially destroying
her husband, a once wealthy retired
doctor, and well on the way of
destroying her, committing forgeries
against her trust and sending her hate
letters after she told him that she did
not wish for him to inherit everything.
The revocation was a scream of
“STOP, I don’t want you to do this to me any more”
yet with an army of attorneys, paid for, with my understanding, half
the proceeds from the sale of Clara’s
homestead, the gang rape continued until Clara was
financially destroyed, impoverished and
left emotionally nothing more than an
empty shell.
Is this what our legal system of come to
in this country?
I strongly feel that if
Attorneys and Judges were
held responsible
for their actions, there
would be far less elder
abuse in this county.
Is that not a form of rape?

The factual story
of the abuse of Clara G Fernandez based on the same
solid evidence used in determining the
real truth by the authorities.
February 2009 |

photos below
were taken in Winter Haven in late 2004
Clara's thoughts and
activities revolved around simple daily living,
weekend outings, evening trips to the mall,
getting her nails done and most of all, peace of mind. Clara chose
to live with Al, the son that offered love, sanity
and stability, unlike
the bizarre
psychotic world of Raul's that was
forced on her by her nephew, Dr. Manuel
Pena. Acting Temp. Guardian.
Clara's life did not revolve around
filing false police reports, DCF
investigations, court hearings and
psychological warfare being waged
against her by her son Raul as a
personal vandana.
Then having a Guardianship forced on her
by Dr. Manuel Pena and Raul and forced
to support the Key West house that she
and Raul knew that was not sustainable
because Raul lost most of his parents
savings by risky investments and racking
up the line-of Credit on his parents
homestead. This
according to court filings, left his
father pretty much destitute and his
mother pretty much close behind.
For more
photos, click on:

Raul, with the help of his cousin
Dr. Manuel Pena of Naples Florida forced Clara back to Key
West by way of deceiving the courts who
ruled ex parte without the courts ever
determining the validity of the sworn
statements they presented to the courts
using Dr. Pena's credentials as a
medical doctor that ended up not
being creditable at all.
According to DCF investigations, Police
reports and many other forms of
evidence, all their claims were found to
be baseless.
was traumatized when forced out of her
home in Royal Palm Beach and back in the
hands of Raul. Clara later
suffered a broken hip and severe head
injuries while in the care of Raul
Fernandez after being forced back to Key
West by Dr. Manuel Pena.
has made numerous statements as to the
cause of these injuries, so to this
date, we do not know what really
happened and may never know. That
seems to be Raul's little secret.
Injuries sustained on or around
December 1st of 2006 while in the care
of Raul Fernandez.
Look closely at the
photos below. This is what can
happen when people though to be truthful
and respectable are actually deceitful
within the court system. Only bad
things can happen, and it happened to
Clara with vengeance.

I can’t help but to blame Dr. Manual Pena and the law firm that
represented him for the financial,
emotional and physical abuse that took
place after Clara was force back to Key
West. Perjury is an ugly word, and
causes bad things to happen. And I
strongly believe that Judges that
tolerate it in their court rooms are
just as much to blame as the ones that
perpetrate the acts for the events that
Medical Doctors with the aid of their
Attorneys fabricate the truth
through the court system, people can get
hurt. In this case, Clara was
Emotionally, Psychologically and Physically destroyed.
Exploitation at it

Clara's Emotional exploitation takes
it's toll on her.

Countless, Meaningless court dates
forced on Clara

is a rebuttal
site in
reference to
as they pertain
to Clara G
Fernandez, the
Mother of Adalberto and
Raul Fernandez,
Raul being the
Blogmaster of
the mentioned
sites.. I am
the life partner
of Adalberto
Fernandez, the
eldest son of
Clara and have
been part of her
family of over
thirty years.
This site will
reflect on the
key points of
Raul’s sites
pertaining to
Clara. I am
William Hart,
one of the
persons that
Raul claims
abducted his
Mother, and held
her against her
will for one
entire year.
is claiming that I am trying to do a
character assassination on him by way of
this site. Much of my site
consists of Raul’s own writings.
They by themselves do a pretty good job
of shedding light on the events,
as the facts are the facts.
The personal
letters Raul
wrote his mother
during the time
he is claiming
she was being
held captive,
most hand
written along
with the
records, give
one a clear and
precise visual
picture of the
events that
actually took
of the
that Raul sent
to his mother
were very
hurtful and
upsetting to her
and were
intended to
cause her much
anguish and
torment. He
went after his
target with
vigor and
achieved his
Clara suffered
greatly from his
actions. Clara
was 87 years of
age at the time
he sent his
to her. It
is ironic that
the topic of his
website is
“Elder Abuse”.
not only
committed the
act of mental
cruelty against
his Mother, he
also took
advantage of her
even to the
point of
forgeries to
gain access to
money in her
Trust. The
consists of
copies of the
documents. You
can find the
details of the
forgeries under
the tab “The
addition to the
above, Raul had
his mother
transfer large
amounts of money
from the line of
credit on her
homestead, to
private bank
accounts solely
in his name,
supposedly for
the purpose of
commodities and
day trading.
This paints a
picture very
unbecoming of
especially for
someone claiming
to be against
Elder Abuse.
had been taking
advantage of his
parents for many
years. I don't
think that Raul
was totally at
fault. Clara
did coddle him
to a certain
extent, saying
"poor Raul, he
didn’t go to
college and poor
Raul this and
poor Raul that".
But the fact
that he did not
go to college
was of his own
the years he
went through
a lot of his
parents' money,
from one scheme
to another. As
Clara got older,
his financial
demands became
larger and Clara
felt trapped, as
this is what
Raul expected of
her. When Raul
moved into her
home, she
became dependent
on him, and this
is where the
giving mother
became a victim.
Raul lost his
retirement fund
in highly risky
money started
getting tight.
This is when he
went after,
first the line
of credit on her
home and then
the home itself.
Look for tab
labeled "The
started monitoring and
backing up Raul’s site from the time I
first found it. What I find to be
of utmost importance is the things that
Raul states as fact and of much
importance, and then disappears,
replaced with a very different version
of the same story. All of them will be
displayed and discussed in detail
showing Raul's lack of grasp on the
real world.
Anyone that
wishes to add
anything to it
or dispute
anything in it,
please feel
free. I will
publish all
comments in its
entirety and
without edit. If
you have any
please feel free
to ask. |
In an attempt to
get to the real facts, I have sent this
email to on March 13th,
I carbon copied the
email to the following people:
cc: Andrew
cc. Lauri Borguss:
cc: Irene A.
Maria C.

November, 12th 2003, according to Clara,
directly after Dr. Fernandez had his
second major stroke while in a hospital
room in Key West awaiting transportation
to Miami and not expected to live, Raul
had Dr. Fernandez sign a deed, giving
him half ownership of the Key West
house. In Raul’s website, he call’s
this “The Big Prize”. Raul has held
this over Clara's head ever since. Clara
said that Raul used allot of pressure on
her to do so, and has caused her allot
of grief ever since. This
represented the majority of Clara's
November, 12th 2003

Clara leaves Key West
for a visit with her son Al to West Palm
August 21, 2004

Raul's forgery on Clara's
Merrill Lynch Account for $25,000
1, 2004

Clara's first Attorney
September 22, 2004

Raul's first letter he
sent his Mother after leaving Key West
September 25, 2004

liquidates Merrill Lynch acct. on
September 29, 2004 and opens a joint
acct. with Al. Transaction hits
on the same day Raul's second attack
hits. NOTE: If Clara had done nothing
to protect this account, Raul would have
been successful, by way of forgery,
liquidating nearly half of this account
within 39 days from the time Clara left
Key West.
29, 2004

Raul's second forgery on Clara's
Merrill Lynch Account for $15,000
1, 2004

Raul's midnight visit to the Winter Haven Police Department
Claiming Abduction
October 1, 2004

Clara's Declaration to
live with Al.
October 2, 2004

Clara's Medallion Signature Guarantee
Request on the Line of Credit with BB&T
October 4, 2004

Letters from FFP Securities
Tom Oldt
October 6, 2004

Clara's First letter
to Raul
October 9, 2004

Clara removes Raul as Trustee of her
11, 2004
Raul's letters to
Served by Buddy Elinor On or about
October 20, 2004

Clara's Final letter
to Raul
October 24, 2004

Clara served Divorce
October 27, 2004

Clara Revokes Raul's
Power of Attorney
October 29, 2004

Letter from Raul to
November 10, 2004

Raul's letter to his
Mother Dated
November 21, 2004

Raul's response to
Clara's Final letter
Mid November
of 2004

William Hart 525 West Lake
Howard Drive NW Winter Haven,
Florida 33880 863-294-2564
(Home Phone) |
November of 2003, Raul had Clara
take her house out of her trust and deed half of
it to himself.
--- Taking everything he could was
exactly what he was there for, first the line of
credit on the house and, in November of 2003, he
had her take the house out of her trust and deed
half of it to him. These are the facts.

September 25,
2004 Clara received her first
correspondence from Raul, other than the phone
calls, since she left Key West. It is a
‘disturbing’ “Farewell” letter. Everything
in it is either a lie, or a half truth, designed
to emotionally browbeat Clara into reacting
emotionally. It achieved Raul's objective,
as it upset her very much. There had been
many phone calls between Clara and Raul before
she received this letter, but the tone and
content of his calls were becoming very nasty
and upsetting to her. Although she was
able to discern fact from fiction, this letter
caused her much emotional grief, causing her to
question if her actions had actually caused all
the mayhem Raul claims it did.
- Letter from Raul to Clara
shows hate and confusion
On October 27, 2004 at 11:02am a report was filed with Florida Adult Protective
Services Hotline stating that on September
1, 2004 the youngest son, Raul Fernandez had
uttered a forged document using a scanned
signature of his Mother in a Letter of
Instruction to Financial Data Services Inc.,
located in Jacksonville Florida, and sent it
by mail. He had requested the
liquidation of $25,000 that was in her Trust
and held by Merrill Lynch. As well, it
was reported that on October 1, of 2004 he had made an attempt to liquidate
another $15,000 using the identical scanned
signature, in a second Letter of Instruction
sent to Financial Data Services Inc.. The
second Letter of Instruction was not honored
because when Clara found out about the
liquation of the first $25,000 she placed a
Medallion Signature Guarantee on that
account, as well as on her Line of Credit on
her house in Key West. Copies of the forged
signatures were provided to the agency.
October 28, 2004
after Adult Protective Service contacted
Raul on the issue of forgery
and other related issues. He
then repeated the story about the
abduction of his mother in a complaint
he then made to Adult Protective Services
Hotline on that day -- October 28th of 2004
-- after he knew he had been
"caught". He
complained that Al had abducted his
mother from her Key West home and would not
let her leave. The fact that the
alleged abduction would have taken place on
August 21st of 2004, and the first complaint
was not filed until October 28, of 2004
would lead one to believe that something is
very wrong with his scenario.
first problem with Raul’s scenario is that
he wants us to believe that his Mother, an 87-yr-old
woman, was
abducted from her home in Key West and was
being held against her will, and he waits 86
days to report the crime. From there
his accusations go from unbelievable to
problem is that it would also be pretty hard
to believe that as many communications that
took place during that time period, if
abduction had actually taken place, the
subject of abduction would have been
mentioned, yet it wasn’t.
Many eMails and letters,
three of which were served by currier, and one
being a divorce lawsuit, were received by Clara.
These were between September 25th
of 2004, and November 7th of
2004. That was one month after Raul's
alleged abduction theory of Clara, his Mother.
These eMails were sent from either Raul, his son
Jason, or Raul’s daughter Jessica. Many
things were talked about, such as all the bad
things Clara had done to Raul, a response from
Raul stating that Clara's wishes didn't ever
deserve a response, Clara’s Last Will and
Testament, who's going to get what, Raul's
protestations that he didn’t start cleaning out
Clara’s Merrill Lynch account by forgery three
weeks after she left Key West, all followed by
many conflicting statements about what he had
done with this money. In many of Raul's
correspondences he showed nothing but loathing
toward Clara. During this time, Raul,
Jason, and Jessica talked about many things, but
never once was a word said about any
abduction, drugging, or isolation
of Clara. |

the most horrific thing that a son could do
to his mother is instigate a divorce between
she and her incapacitated husband,
especially at the age of 87. Raul
committed such an act on Clara. What
also makes this act so heinous is the
wording Raul used in the Divorce Papers.
appears that Clara may have had a stroke
that caused her fall. She was under
allot of stress due to the fact that the
only reason that we were in Key West was
because she was served a summons to appear
in a hearing pertaining to the divorce
lawsuit that Raul instigated against her.
The hearing was set for November 18, 2004 at
the Monroe County Courthouse Annex in Key
West. Her fall happened the day before
the hearing was to take place. |

Quote from
Raul's website:
Clara's is not
eligible for
Medicaid and her
benefits run out
after 100 days,
her house
was Quit claim
deeded over to
and the once
elder is now
dependent on the
mercy of
relatives and
Whose house is it? He makes it sound as if he has no idea.
Is it his house,
Clara's house,
Al's house?
This shows
Raul's real lack
of reality and
lack of ability
to differentiate
fact from
In November of
2003, Raul had
Clara take her
home out of her
Trust and deed
half of it to
him, now that's
reality. |
Jackson Memorial
preformed a life
saving brain
operation on
Clara. The
fact that
Clara's life was
in my opinion
provoked Raul
very much, to
the extent that
wrote an article about his
feelings on the
subject and
published it.
Read it!
the month of October, 2004 is when
Raul concocted the abduction story,
Clara told Adult Protective Services
Investigators in four separate
interviews as well as Police Officer
with the Winter Haven Police
Department that she had not been
abducted and was not being held
against her will and that she wanted
to be with Al. In addition to
that, according to telephone bills
acquired from Bellsouth, the Key
West house, Al's Royal Palm Beach
house, Bill's house in Winter Haven,
and Verizon, there were over
546 minuets logged between said
telephones all during the time
period that Raul later claimed that
he did not know where his mother

big question is: Why did Dr.
Manuel Pena and Raul Fernandez sign
two sworn statements that are
contrary to the facts and submit
them to the Court?
Here are a
couple of
photographs of
Raul Fernandez
and his buddy,
Dr. Manuel Pena,
both guests in
Al's home |
way I understand the story was that
Clara's last words she spoke to Al,
her eldest son just before Dr. Pena
removed Clara from Royal Palm Beach
was "Who is doing this to me” and Al
said, I think It is Raul” then at
that point Dr. Manuel Pena took the
phone from Clara’s hands and told
Al, “Don’t confuse her anymore”.
That was the last time Al was able
to speak to his mother for many
months. Without prior warning
or notification to Clara of any
kind, Dr. Pena removed Clara
from her home. She was taken
to a local hospital and checked out,
the results - No findings of
physical abuse or neglect as
alleged. My understanding is
that Dr. Pena then promptly turned
Clara over to Raul and the abuse
resumed, but at a much accelerated
rate, as Clara was no longer able to
protect herself because of her
cognitive deficit. Raul then
exploited her disability in many
At that
point it seems as if Dr. Pena's deed was
pretty much done. His petition was
good for 60 days. After that 60 days
were up, he did not attempt to re-new it.
Raul had now gained control of Clara and
Clara was totally at the mercy of Raul.
According to Raul's website,
the definition of abduction is:
ab•duct (transitive verb).
To snatch somebody away, to take somebody
away by force or deception.
It is
reasonable to believe
that Clara was taken
by force and had no say-so in the matter,
nor do I believe she had the
cognitive ability
to make such
choices. She had made
those choices while she still had the
cognitive ability to do so. That is, while
she still had full understanding as to (who,
what, why, when and where) as it pertained
to her own situation in life. What’s
more, her decision to live with Al was
principally (there were also other reasons),
based on her perception and statements that
Raul had been abusing her in many ways.
That was Clara's decision to make, not Dr.
Pena's. The abuses Raul committed
against Clara will be thoroughly addressed.
I believe that Dr. Pena used
deception through the courts to get his
petition signed by Judge Gary L
Vonhoff. The facts show that
Clara was not abducted, and that at no time
was she found to have been over-drugged as
Dr. Pena stated "as fact" in his sworn
statement submitted to the courts.
Actually, the primary statements made by Dr.
Pena had already been investigated and
addressed by Adult Protective Services and
determined to be unfounded. I
believe that Judge Vonhoff granted Dr. Pena
temporary custody of Clara, ex parte, based on those untrue
material statements made by Dr. Pena.
I also believe that Dr. Pena’s credentials
as a medical doctor played a substantial
role in Judge Vonhoff’s decision, Raul was
counting on that. On the contrary,
there were few factual statements made in
his petition. This is what caused
Clara to be returned to the one person she
had repeatedly said she did not want to nor
felt safe with. Initially most of the
allegations he made were basically
rubber-stamped from Raul's complaints to
Adult Protective Services. one day after his
forgeries were reported to Adult Protective
Services. Considering the timing, I
believe this was done solely in retribution.
Adult Protective Services also received
allegations that Clara was incapacitated at
that time. Clara was interviewed four
times in Winter Haven and once in Key West
by Adult Protective Services investigators
pertaining to all the allegations made to
their agency. The final conclusions
made by Adult Protective Services were
negative to all allegations. On
October 1, 2004, Clara was also interviewed
by an officer from the Winter Haven Police
Department at about 4:30am that morning.
Raul had shown up at about 3:30am at the
Winter Haven Police Station with his
accusations of abduction. Clara stated
to the officer who came to speak to her that
her son did not abduct her and that she
wanted to be with him. Clara also
advised that she is tired of her sons
fighting and wish they would just get along.
The officer reported that Clara appeared to
be in good health and she stated that she
was fine. No further action was taken.
addition to the above, a medical doctor
while in Winter Haven tested Clara for
mental competency. The results of the
Mini Mental exam administered in Winter
Haven were one point higher than those of a
few months earlier before she had left Key
West. The Key West test was
administered by Dr. Kaplitz, and she
concluded and later testified that Clara was
competent then.
is my understanding that when Clara was
sequestered away from Royal Palm Beach, she
was not permitted to take any personal
belongings with her, but only her
medicines, wheelchair and the clothes she
was wearing.
The way
I see it, applying Raul's own published
definition of abduction, Dr. Pena abducted
Clara Fernandez and put her back in danger,
but it was Clara that suffered the
So far,
the financial impact of Dr. Manuel Pena's
actions that he initiated appears to have
caused damages probably exceeding $200,000
growing. This has cost Clara most of
her liquid assets and has created a crisis.
The last time Al talked to Dr. Pena, he hung
up on Al. Dr. Pena's wife will no
longer talk about the case with us.
Had there been any factual basis of
improprieties alleged by the Raul-Pena team,
a simple call to Adult Protective Services,
Sheriffs Department or Florida Department of
Law Enforcement would have negated the need
for the costly legal proceedings that has
and is currently taking place. Any one
of these agencies would undoubtedly have
taken appropriate action. It makes you
wonder what motives they may have had to go
to such extremes in defiance of all
appropriate channels available.
Did Dr. Pena do it to protect Raul from the
pending lawsuit against him for forgery?
Did Pena’s own religious belief that his
aunt Clara should be “next to her (now
deceased) husband”, play a part regardless
of what her wishes were when she had the
ability to use past history and known
aggression against her to make an informed decision?
Is this consistent with Raul’s instigated
Petition for Divorce? Did Pena
really think that he knew better, after
Clara’s wishes and well being had been
thoroughly investigated by the agencies in
the various counties? Did he think
that his own whim should supersede the
findings of the authorities, and
investigative agencies that had already done
their job? I believe that he used his
weight of his medical credentials to ad
strength to his untrue material statements
that changed the course of his aunt’s fate
to the detriment of her own physical,
medical, mental and affective well being.
Dr. Pena removed Clara from Royal Palm
Beach, Al called Dr. Pena at his home in
Naples after he learned of Dr. Pena's contact
Pena to Royal Palm Beach
to visit with Al and Clara and discuss any
and all concerns he may have had
concerning Clara's wellbeing, and then he could
make sound decisions with a better understanding
There was no response to this invitation.

Did Dr.
Manuel Pena have any reasons to believe that
Clara had been abducted, being held against her
will, being drugged or anything else? The
evidence tells a very different story than what
Dr. Pena put in his sworn statements.
Royal Palm Beach May 28, 2005

of 2006, Clara after her
attempt to commit suicide, as one of
Raul's stated reasons while in his Care
and in his presences?
This web site is
in reaction to
the site called
and .
These two sights
are just a
cover-up to try
and hide his own
acts of Elder
Abuse shows the
extent that he
will go to
achieve he goal.
The content of my site consist of facts that will be
labeled as such along with the evidence to back up the
claims. In addition to the evidence, my own
personal observations will be presented here and labeled
as such.
I personally believe that crimes have been committed
against Clara Fernandez as well as against the Courts of
Palm Beach County and against the Courts of Monroe
County. It is not my intention to
libel or slander
anyone. I cannot personally label anyone as a
criminal. That is up to the Courts. I
believe that I am providing evidence for you to come up
with your own conclusions.
When an elderly person ends up with life threatening
injuries, one would expect the eye witness which in this
case was the care giver and son, to give an accurate
account of the event. Raul was that person.
Here are four of his published statements as to the
reason Clara ended up with a broken hip and the need for
brain surgery. I added a possible fifth reason
that is plausible.
I started monitoring and backing up
Raul’s site from the time I first found it. What I
find to be of utmost importance is the things that Raul
states as fact and of much importance, and then it
disappears, replaced with a very different version of
the same event. For instance, Raul’s explanation
early on of why Clara was in the hospital was as
Why Clara was in the
hospital with a broken hip and head injuries
Raul) |
As of May 1,
2007, Raul published a
new explanation
as to why Clara
has a broken
hip. I
wonder what it
will be next
week? |

Reason #1: - NOTE: This is one of Raul's statement
on his web site as to why Clara has a broken hip and
needed brain surgery. It appears that Raul
has already forgotten about the articles he
previously wrote.
Reason #2:
Is it because Clara tried to commit suicide in November
of 2006 by jumping out of a truck, and
Reason #3:
because she was kidnapped, drugged, raped and left for
dead with broken bones and had her head smashed in
August of 2005 and
Reason #4:
Because of Withholding of Medication Resulting in Broken
Hip in November of 2004. and
Reason #5: Raul wishes
Clara dead?
Again, I urge you to research
Narcissistic Personality Disorder
Pathological Liar.
Yet the most frightening thing is that it is quite
possible that Raul believes that his stories are
factual, as twisted and ever-changing as they are.
That is what
makes him a danger to his mother Clara, as well as
society in general.
According to Raul:
Clara on November 17Th 2004, almost
three months after she was abducted from her home in Key
West and after her near fatal fall.
Before her abduction, Clara lived happily in her well
equipped home designed to meet her handicap needs. She
was being lovingly cared for and enjoyed nutritious
meals according to her special dietary needs and was
under 24 hour supervision. After being abducted,
Clara was left alone in a motel room while her handlers
left her heavily sedated. Clara, left to her own
devise, decided to take a shower without assistance.
Clara fell in the bathroom and hit her head on the
porcelain tub. She was found later by her handlers and
was taken to the E.R. in Key West. Her injuries
were so critical that she then had to be air-lifted to
Jackson Memorial Hospital's
Trauma Center
in Miami, Florida to undergo
emergency neurosurgery. The result of that fall
indeed rendered her "totally
incapacitated". Again,
another 'CASE OF NEGLECT' involving the elderly.
NOTE: Clara's fall while trying to get out of the
bathtub occurred in November of 2004, not only was she
not heavily sedated, she was not found to have been
sedated at all. The sedation only occurred between
Raul's ears. This fall did not result in a broken hip or
require brain surgery and in no way related to her
fall in 2006. Clara's hospitalization was due to an event that accrued
sometime in the month of December of 2006, not November
of 2004 and occurred in Raul’s care and in his presence,
not in Al's care as stated in Raul's Reason #1.
here is claiming that Clara was rendered "totally
incapacitated" as of November 17th 2004. On
October 29, 2004, about one year earlier, Clara did a
Revocation of Raul's Power of Attorney as a result of
multiple forgeries Raul had committed against her,
resulting in $25,000 being liquidated from her trust and
a month later attempted for another $15,000. In addition
to this reason, Raul told Clara many lies pertaining to
her finances and many other matters, most in writing, as
well as sending her hate letters. That was
adequate reason for Clara to revocate his Power of
Attorney. By the time Raul got Clara back, Clara's
incapacity left her unable to remember much of the past
and Raul exploited this vulnerability Clara had.
He attempted to have Clara
re-write her will and
reassign here Power of
Attorney to him. Raul
also had Clara sign a sworn
statement at the Sheriff's Office that he had concocted
saying that Al has abducted her and many other things.
In my opinion, this shows lack of regard for his
mother's emotional well being and demonstrates to all
what he
is really made of.

Reason #2
to Raul:
Clara wishes to join her sister in death,
rather than
live without hope!
The Hearing was set for Monday November 20th was a big
disappointment for Clara, Her guardians attorney had
failed to notify attorney Mr. Garcia and he had the
motions approved by the Judge VACATED the following
Monday. We had been waiting since
July of 2006 for this hearing which would pave the way
for Clara's case to finally be heard 27 months after her
abduction , that's 27 months after legal wrangling in 4
counties , and over $100,000 spent in legal fees for
Claras defense. In her moments of lucidity Clara liked
to ask many question such as why is the house in such
dis-repair , I try to explain to her that the bank froze
the money given by the insurance company for the
repairs, due to the write offs in her credit during the
time of her abduction and the repairs had to halted in
order to have money for other things. Clara asks
why is her bed on the Florida Room floor and not in her
freshly painted room again we try to explain how we lack
money for even basic necessities, like food ,
medications, and medical services like physical therapy
that medicare does not cover. It's hard to admit
that after Clara spent a small fortune in legal fees we
are in the same place we were back in July , still
waiting for a hearing with Judge Payne to be able to air
her case and finally be step closer to closure.
Instead of hope , a black cloud came over us after that
hearing on November Monday 20th .. it's ironic that the
next several days mail came full of envelopes from
Garcia , addressed to Clara, to Raul in an redundancy of
service , stressing the fact that the hearing was
vacated. Judy became very depressed at this turn of
events and this in turn affected everyone, Raul became
agitated including Clara who became extremely depressed
and said she did not have a reason to live and wished to
join her sister Olga, and Dr. Fernandez her husband , in
death .
Clara takes off seat belt and plunges
herself onto the pavement, without warning!
Clara seems very receptive to changes in our attitude
after the hearing that was held on Monday November 20th.
The disappointment of having waited so long, only to
have it vacated was intense and overbearing, Judy had
been ill since, and Raul had been distraught, in that
Clara's day in court was made a mockery of once again. A
Black cloud seem to envelop us, we got up early to take
Clara to Dr Kaplitz, her neurosurgeon who remarked how
much better she looked and how well taken care of she
was. Suddenly and un-expectedly Clara had
managed to work loose her seat belt, something she had
not been able to do before, and open the door and bolt
out , gravity taking over and Clara falling into a
rumple mess on the concrete breaking a hip and suffering
a concussion. Paramedics were right there and in
mobilized her and she was rushed to the ER. In the
ER We found she had broken bones preparations were
underway for surgery, when the results of brain scanned
indicated there was bleeding inside the cranial cavity.
Arrangements were being made to rush her to the nearest
neurosurgeons in Miami, but no one is eager to take a 88
year old with multile injuries , so we set in for long
nite in the ER. Almost , when we were ready to
give up , the good news that Jackson Memorial in Miami
had agreed to take her, so preparations begun for a
Helicopter Ride. It is very frustating when no one
feels the urgency of the time frame for which this needs
to be resolved for Clara to have peace and to know that
her money will be there to take care of her needs and
feel relieve
from the pressure of never ending court
battles , demanding investigations, questioning by
authorities, pending on public services, because her
assets were taken from her illegally and she has used up
all her savings , what ever portion was not taken from
her , to fund her never ending legal battle with the
thugs that abused her.
First off, who's idea was it to have the hearing without
notification of apposing representation? Was
it an accident or done on purpose as to having only one
side heard in order to make it easier to lie to the
courts without any opposition. The best I can make
out of Raul’s website, this action with The Anderson
Firm cost Clara somewhere around $15,000.
After examining the invoices presented to Angela McClain
by The Anderson Firm, it is obvious that from the
beginning Raul was running the show, and Angela was not
much more than a tool Raul used to put some weight
behind his lies and deception. Angela was unable or
unwilling to examine the merits of Raul’s accusations no
matter how hard Al and I tried to get through to her.
Angela’s actions in no way or at any time showed any
resemblance of impartial behavior on her part as
demanded by the courts. It
appears that she swallowed everything Raul told her
without reservation or accountability. In her
mind, if Raul said it, she believed it, and that’s that,
regardless of what evidence was presented to her to the
contrary. If Angela would have been an
impartial party, she would have called Al and said, Raul
said this and Raul said that, what's the scoop?
Raul's accusations could have been addressed and put to
rest with one simple phone call. With one phone
call, and an open mind, her understanding of the case
would have come into focus, and her ability to make
sound decisions based on the actual facts would have
empowered her to do right by Clara. All we ever
asked for and demanded by
the courts was for
Angela to be a neutral.
Examine all the facts, do not assume
anything and add impartiality to the equation. If
she asked us a direct question, we will in turn give her
a direct answer and back it up.
Dr. Pena and Raul
represented by the Fowler
Law Firm, P.A. and Maria Bentancurt, P.A. in Key West, Monroe
County set up a hearing for May 23rd of 2005.
Attorney Manuel Garcia (Al’s attorney) was given a
‘Notice of Hearing’ for Monday, May 23, 2005, at 3:30
p.m., whereas Preston Jennings, Laura Borguss, Nancy
Kaplitz, M.D. and Angela McClain, all witness’s for Raul
and Dr. Pena were served Subpoena duce Tecum for the
Hearing dated for May 12, 2005 at 9:30 a.m.. These
were served on or about May 12, 2005 to the named
recipients. I believe that the possibility exists
that this was done on purpose in the hopes of having the
hearing taking place without apposing representation to
circumvent justice. The cost of this?, I have no
Dr. Pena and his legal firm
in Palm Beach County pulled
the same stunt, not
notifying apposing council
of a hearing. I
believe this was done for
the same purpose.
To conceal the facts. Considering that all
material statements were
false would have made it
unlikely that Judge Gary L. Vonhof would have signed his
petition to remove Clara
from Palm Beach County if
proper representation would
have been notified of the
hearing, and facts brought
out, and Dr. Manuel Pena
made accountable of his
actions. According to
Raul’s website, this stunt cost $21,475. In addition
to the financial harm done,
these acts set the stage for
Raul to continue with his
psychological warfare
against Clara as well as
financial. After Raul
got Clara back, the Line of
Credit got as high as
$245,000. Hopefully
some day, Dr. Pena will be
held accountable for his

This type of behavior is far from what I would consider
fair play and would rarely be inducive to the rendering
of informed decisions based on all the facts of the case
by any Judge. Far from the America dream of an
impartial court system in any civilized society.
Reason #3:

Now here is another version as to why
Clara was in the hospital. I found this on the net
by searching “elder-abuse-cyberray”
The address is as follows.
According to Raul:
Hello, Iraqi friends, everyday brings new challanges,
never dull moment, it's getting that way here in the US
. My moher was kidnapped for her money, she was druged
and made to hand over all her ger life savings,
properties, jewelry, all. then she was raped, and left
for dead, when I rescued her with the police minus the
money she had broken bones and her head was smashed, she
still at the hospital . I have documented all here :
I am asking all my friends to come by and hit on the
site, this will help me get attention to the case the
more hits the better, please help me on this, Maybe I
can take police to take action and get some of her money
back, which was my money she was safekeeping it for me)
and I love to get these homegrown american terrorists
arrested. You can help me by giving me a few hits on the
site, Thanks, knew i could count on you.
So here above
Raul is claiming that Clara was in the Hospital with a
broken hip because she was kidnapped, drugged, raped and
left for dead with broken bones and her head smashed.
Reason #4:

to Raul:
Withholding of Medication Resulting in
Broken Hip
Before Clara was abducted and taken in such a hurry,
that her Medications where left behind, her bone
condition was being closely monitored, and she was
receiving load exercises therapy 2x a week (lifting
weights) for her Osteoporosis and riding her
tricycle 3 x a week up until the time she was abducted.
Being taken from her care-givers, she did
not recieve her daily exercise as well as her
medications, and during that time she was kept in
isolation and in nursing homes,
causing 'dis-use'.
After her rescue on August 20005, bone
density tests confirmed a "worse off meds".
-Dr. Gertz Notes 8-30-05 5-1-05.
Just Checking Medical Management Program did a interview
with Clara, they listed the Medications
given, there was several sedative
combinations, but Fosamax for
Osteoporosis and to avoid bone
fractures, was a 'must take' medication
for Clara and it was being
withheld, and apparently her abductors
had not had a done a bone
density test and so were not aware of her
delicate situation in regards
to bone density loss.
NOTE: In the photograph of the Fosamax,
the pills are dated. Raul claimed that Clara was
abducted and left in such a hurry that her meds were
left behind. If Clara's meds were left behind and
he felt that the Fasamax was so important, why didn't he
send them to her, as he did with her clothes?
There is an extensive telephone trail that makes it very
clear that Clara and Raul were in constant contact and
letters Clara received from Raul that proves he always
knew where she was. If the Fosamax was retrieved
in West Palm Beach at the time Dr. Pena Abducted her,
then that is proof that when Clara left Key West that
the meds were taken with her when she left Key West.
So either Raul is lying about not taking her meds with
her when she left Key West or Raul withheld Clara's
Fosamax by not sending them to her as he did the hate
letters, Divorce Papers and her clothes.
The primary participants
in this saga are as follows.
Dr. Manuel M Pena
of Naples (48, Clara Fernandez is his maternal aunt)
Fernandez of Key West (son of Clara Fernandez, age 53)
Adalberto Fernandez of Royal Palm Beach (son, age 60).
L McClain of Key West (current Guardian of Clara
Gary L Vonhof, Circuit Judge for Palm Beach County
(Presiding Judge in Palm Beach County)
Richard G Payne, Circuit Judge for Monroe County
(Presiding Judge in Monroe County)
Hart of Winter Haven (54, life partner of Adalberto
Clare G
Fernandez of Key West (88, Mother of Adalberto and Raul)
Philip Thomas, P.A. Attorney at Law of Fort Lauderdale
Fowler Law Firm, P.A. (Key West)
Betancourt - Attorney (Key West)
Higgins - Attorney (Key West)
Garcia, P.A Attorney at Law of Key West - Attorney Clara
hired to defend here in divorce Lawsuit and all other
D. Davila, P.A. - Attorney that filed
DIVORCE LAW SUITE suit against Clara
Kaplitz M.D. - Clara's Neurologist
Corliss Rupp M.D.
Jorge A. Aguinaga M.D.
Elias Gerth M.D.
Kellam - Adult Protective Services Investigator (Polk
Susan Stockard -
Adult Protective Services
Investigator (Dade County)
Palacios - Adult Protective Services Investigator (Dade
Miller - Adult Protective Services Investigator (Monroe
Lynn Casselman - Adult Protective Services Investigator
- Supervisor - (Monroe County)
Matranga, BA - Administrative Coordinator for Just
Checking! Program - Lake Worth, FL
Clara-Broken_ hip.pdf